Jenna slumped against the tree. She watched the small town in the distance, longing for the warm beds and hot food. Men and women bustled about their day. It wasn’t safe around people. Not until she could shake the nightmares. Jenna pushed away thoughts of her own family. “Allavyr keep them safe,” she breathed.
The Nightmare’s Journey (Part One)
Today, I start a little adventure, and by little I mean with 100 words. While I’m working on my novel length project, I’m still submitting to Splickety and am writing a few other short pieces. I’m toying with the idea of a continuous story told in bite sized pieces. If you’re interested, leave me a comment! I hope you enjoy this first installment.
The First Step
Ready to Awaken
For the past several years, my alma mater Heartland Christian College, has hosted a two day youth conference called Awaken. The goal of these meetings is to interact with leaders and like minded people, but most importantly to interact with God and awaken to His will for our lives. I’ve been a part of these meetings in various outlets: bass playing, running sound, stage setup, stage tear down and more recently as a leader in our youth group. This year, I’ve been asked to do something that I’ve not done before…
Lost at Sea
I hate my alarm clock. My wife can attest that most days I completely ignore it as it goes off three or four times. Once I’m out of bed, it doesn’t take long for me to be awake, but I’d rather stay in my warm cocoon and get that extra five minutes. This morning as I turned my alarm off, I glanced at a couple emails. One of those emails caused me to give an audible shout of joy(This doesn’t happen often) This email was from the editor at Splickety Prime. The latest contest issue of Splickety Prime launches today.
Don’t join the Dark Side
Over the past several weeks I’ve had many ideas for blog posts: political issues, the Josh Duggar mess, story ideas, updates and everything else under the sun. Yet my blog sat empty and there was nothing new. The creative juices just haven’t been flowing that much lately, and I’ve come to find out why. I’ve recently been in something of a valley, a wilderness, a dark side cave. My race took me to the swampy surface of Dagobah and I’ve looked inside the helmet of my enemy. I’m glad to be on the other side now, and I have a few thoughts to share if you’d like to listen.