Have you ever seen the step you need to take, and been afraid to make the jump? Did you know the direction your life/job/career needed to go, but the thought of leaving your comfort zone just didn’t make logical sense? I’ve found myself in this place lately, and let me tell you, living the life God calls you to is exhilarating. [Read more…] about Diving in
Manic Monday
The Importance of Input
One of the things that I’ve learned along my writing journey is the importance of input. Just over a year ago, I submitted my first piece of Flash Fiction to a christian speculative fiction magazine called Splickety. That first story scared me. I read the theme, saw the story unfold in my head, and scribbled out a masterpiece. I sent my first draft to five or six people asking for feedback. A few days later, waiting in my inbox was several copies of my perfect story, marred and covered with little red lines. [Read more…] about The Importance of Input
Celebrating Poetry
April is National Poetry Month. I’ve never considered myself to be much of a poetry fan, nor am I that skilled in their construction. However one of my favorite stories is filled with poems in many forms. From songs, to prophecies, to war chants and funeral songs, a poem can add lyrical depth to a special moment in any story. [Read more…] about Celebrating Poetry
Manic Mondays
I’ve recently come to a couple of realizations. These aren’t new concepts, and are probably old hat to a lot of you. They really aren’t new to me, either, but I tend to need a refresher on some of Life’s lessons. I don’t think I’m alone on that one. The first of these mind-altering lessons is that life is crazy. Can someone with a three year-old give me an Amen? Some days (weeks/months/years) are full of unstoppable forces and uncontrollable circumstances. There’s nothing that you or I can do about those, and sometimes we’re overcome by the stress of it all. Other times, we fill our time with doing, and being, and living. And that’s OK. It’s OK to be busy, as long as you remember lesson number two: