It’s time again for Fiction Friday! I hope you enjoyed Part One of the Old Wizard. Have you been waiting in suspense to find out what happens to Samuel and Karyn? I know I have! Will the dragon devour the children? Where is the Old Wizard? Today is your lucky day! Its time for Part Two of The Old Wizard.
Samuel looked up to find a man in a brown robe standing before the flames. His hands were outstretched parting the burning torrent around him and his sister. A blue glow flickered in front of him. The old wizard, thought Samuel.
The dragon’s fury ceased, and it roared at the old wizard. A burst of green light hit the side of the dragon’s head as it came down to swallow the brown robed man. The beast pulled back, shrieking in pain as multiple flashes of light exploded across its golden scales. The dragon stood to its back legs spitting fire into the smoke filled sky. Its roar shook the ground, and knocked over a nearby house.
Samuel pulled his sister tight. She whimpered into his chest. The old wizard raised his hands above his head and whispered something that Samuel couldn’t hear. The dragon moved fast, and began to crash its body on top of the three of them.
Karyn began to scream. Samuel joined her. He didn’t know what happened when someone died, but he knew that they were about to find out.
A blue light rippled in the air around the old wizard. It reminded Samuel of a hot summer day. The old wizard turned, and pointed both of his arms at the children, still whispering something Samuel couldn’t quite hear. The rippling light intensified, and Samuel’s insides twisted. He felt like he’d just tumbled down Miller’s Hill. He squeezed his eyes shut as the light overtook his vision. Karyn continued her scream.
The twisting sensation stopped. Samuel knew something had changed. He could still feel Karyn in his arms, though she had stopped screaming. Opening his eyes, Samuel didn’t see the old wizard or the dragon anywhere. He was outside the village by the Kinder farm. What just happened?
He gently laid Karyn on the grass. She had passed out from whatever just happened. He looked over the ridge and could see the burning village in the distance. The sky was dark with smoke. An occasional burst of flame or flash blue light streaked across the sky, illuminating the Old Wizard’s battle with massive dragon.
If you liked the story, leave me a comment! I’d love to get your feedback! Come back next week for Part Three!
Randy Smith says
Very nice !